Sunday, June 16, 2019

How To Keep Him Interested In You Forever

How To Keep Him Interested In You Forever

“I once had a thousand desires. But in my one desire to know you, all else melted away.”

- Rumi

\Rita, a massage therapist from San Diego, was fresh from a breakup when she met Henry.

Her ex walked out on her without warning after five whole years of being together. So, she was keen on starting over with her new guy.

She’d only been seeing Henry for a couple of months, but she knew he was different from the guys she’d been seeing during the short time she became single.

Several dates later, everything was going great…

…until, well, they weren’t.

Henry was super affectionate and constantly updating Rita with what he was up to. If he wasn’t sending funny messages throughout the day, he’d fire off a quirky picture with a silly caption.

But then the communication slowed down to the point Rita had to text him a few times before he’d send a half-hearted reply. She practically had to beg him to make plans before they could go out again.

Henry’s behavior left Rita scratching her head in confusion. What made matters worse that her old fears of being left hanging in the air started to bubble to the surface.

She thought to herself, “Who is this guy texting me lukewarm ‘ok’s…and what has he done with the real Henry?”

How to Keep That Spark Burning

It’s pretty ironic that someone who has a job like Rita’s would have a hard time keeping a guy’s interest, isn’t it?

Ok, kidding aside, there are some things a woman can do to make sure her guy doesn’t ever get bored or think about leaving.

And most women think that he needs to feel a certain way all the time, like being head over heels IN LOVE 24/7.

But the truth is that romantic love ebbs and flows over time. Emotions (and people) evolve in a relationship, and it’s not about constantly being in a lovestruck state for years and years.

Those rose-colored glasses will come off at one point, and a deeper, more mature kind love will blossom in your relationship.

You can help that natural process move along if you give him the signs that you’re a solid partner.

And that starts with creating a stable, grounded relationship that can get through the roughest patches and stay generally positive throughout.

If this climate exists between you two, he’ll stick around no matter how long (or short) you’ve been together.

You just need to cultivate the right habits to make this happen:

#1: Make him work for it

You see, the hottest relationships are all about push and pull. This is a dynamic where a person pushes their partner into making them feel attractive, desired and the most amazing person they’ve met.

Then the person doing the pushing withdraws a bit – or pulls away - so that they reverse roles with their partner. This way, the hunter becomes the hunted.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Sometimes, you might push too hard that your guy feels smothered. Or he might give up and lose interest if you play “hard to get” too much.

So, it’s a rather delicate balance to achieve. But when it’s done right, it’s tons of FUN.

Here are a few ways to create this dynamic:

  • Don’t be available ALL the time. Keep your schedule balanced and keep doing all the stuff that keeps you happy, fulfilled, refreshed and revitalized.

  • Have a hobby or passion that doesn’t necessarily pay the bills, but makes you, YOU. Men are interested in a woman who makes it a point to be interesting. This works great because it gives you an additional sense of purpose while effortlessly impressing your guy in the process.

  • Let your guy DO his own stuff, too. If he says he’s going fishing with the boys or anything else that involves hanging out with them, LET HIM. This sounds like common sense…that is, until the neediness monster takes over. Don’t drop by with a pizza to “see how he’s doing”, or bombard him with a bunch of texts asking him to check in with you. All guys in a relationship need to feel free – within a reasonable level, of course.

  • Introduce a little tension. Tease him a bit and be playful. Bust his chops every now and then and give him a hard time like his pals do. In some ways, he’s still that kid at the playground trying to catch a girl’s attention by poking fun at her and launching spitballs or whatever. So flirting with him flips the script, keeps him on his toes and hot on your trail.

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#2: Be his number one fan

If you want your man to stay in the game, take the initiative by setting the bar.

Show him the same behavior you’d like to see from him. Having his back is a good way to do that.

A guy needs to know that you appreciate and cherish who he is now, and who he’s capable of being in the future. This makes him feel accepted and secure in the knowledge that you’re rooting for him.

That means he doesn’t have to hold back some part of himself because he has no reason to. He knows he can be himself, including being vulnerable around you.

And when he can let his guard down with you, it’s a huge sign of TRUST, which is the building block of any successful relationship.

#3: Build those inner roads

A guy is more likely to stay when his woman knows how to make him feel connected to her.

You can do this by having a good layout of his world. There are a lot of things that occupy his thoughts and make up who he is.

So the more you’re aware of this, the more he’ll know that you care about him as a WHOLE.

Sad to say, but a lot of men bail because they feel their partner is more concerned about filling THAT role in her life, rather than seeing them as a person.

That said, try to familiarize yourself with the following:
  • Who’s the biggest person giving him a hard time at work?
  • Who are his closest friends?
  • Who were his heroes growing up?
  • What’s the one thing keeping him up at night?
  • What’s his greatest fear?
  • What are the things he hasn’t accomplished yet, and would like to do in the next five years?
  • If money wasn’t a thing, what would be the perfect job for him?

#4: Make it OK for him to disagree with you

Oftentimes a guy is afraid that he can’t be honest about his thoughts or opinions with his girl.

He’s worried she’s going to freak out or get into a screaming argument about it.
(Most of the time, in that order.)

Worse, a lot of men have been burned by past partners who tell them it’s ok to be honest…but proceed with said behavior.

To a guy, that’s like asking him to walk through a door…

…with Jason from Friday the 13th waiting with a chainsaw on the other side.

Admittedly, it takes a certain level of maturity to get to a place where you can accept your differences without attacking each other.

And to be perfectly honest, guys are also guilty of this one, too. But to them though, this is a particularly sore spot.

So, if you’re able to handle his opinions and not fly off the handle, he’ll feel more safe around you.

#5: Tune into his needs

“Well, wait a minute,” you might say. “What about MY needs? Do you expect me to live to please him? Isn’t that one-sided??”

Listen, I get you. No one in their right mind would expect to do ALL the work while the other person sits back and eats their proverbial cake.

If he’s self-centered and makes the relationship all about him, you shouldn’t waste your time on that kind of man. Fair enough, right?

But if you’re with a swell guy (and I’m guessing that he is), your happiness is on his priority list. It’s in every decent guy’s DNA to make sure of that.

And going back to what I said before about setting the bar, a man also loves a woman who can meet him halfway on this.

So build on the habit of getting to know him better, then use that knowledge to give him what he needs.

When you have a good grasp of what he likes and doesn’t like, it’s easy to do little things that make him feel special and valued.

Stuff like his favorite movies, top food choices, interests and hobbies will give you a good idea of the things you can do for him.

The more personalized your acts of kindness are, the bigger effect they’ll have on your man.

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#6: Don’t neglect yourself 

I said earlier that you shouldn’t let your passions, social life and career slide because they make you the woman he loves.

And the other side of that coin is taking care of yourself on a more basic level - mainly your looks and well-being.

Now, I’m not saying he shouldn’t do the same…

…I just mean that you should do your part no matter what.

Again, it’s on him if he’s not meeting you halfway.

But here’s the thing: men are NOT after perfection or supermodel-like features in a long-term partner.
Deep inside, they know that only gets your foot in the door.

In the bigger scheme of things, he just wants to know you’re making the EFFORT.

That’s it.

He just needs to know you care about looking good around him, and caring about yourself in general.

So, that means being on top of the big three: Fitness, Health and Fashion.

Look at it this way - you’re going to have to do this whether you’re single or in a relationship.

So it’s better to be up to scratch on this stuff - and get a serious partner out of it in the process!

#7: Keep him busy in the bedroom

Of course I’m going to talk about this. I might sound a little harsh about this, but the sexual component is a non-negotiable in your relationship.

Otherwise, you might end up with a good friend instead of a romantic partner.

So, make him feel like he’s the hottest guy you’ve met.

He knows full well he’s no Brad Pitt (but good on you if he does look like him), but it still matters to him that you DESIRE him that way.

Men want to be WANTED, just like you do. And when you only have eyes for each other – he won’t look elsewhere.

For starters, don’t be afraid to get tactile with him even when you’re not doing the deed. Hold his hand in public, touch his arm often and give him a kiss before parting ways.

As for the main event, communicate your desires to him when you’re in the heat of the moment.

Tell him when he’s doing it right, get a bit vocal and compliment him on his masculinity.

As far as the bigger picture’s concerned, guys aren’t after the perfect partner or relationship.

They’re more interested in someone who’s just as on board as they are – and more importantly, reassures them that they’re committing to the RIGHT girl.

Once your guy knows he’s making the right choice by being with you, you won’t have to worry about where you stand with him.

But if you’re doing everything possible to keep your man interested and it STILL seems like he’s slipping away, you shouldn’t blame yourself.

Every guy is different, and he has his reasons for withdrawing that have nothing to do with you.

And if you want to know the REAL reason why men pull away – and how to STOP your guy from leaving…

…you need to watch my presentation that explains it ALL – Click Here

How To Keep Him Interested In You Forever by Slade Shaw Author of Why Men Pull Away

Getting back together with an ex can be a long and lengthy process but getting back isn't that hard if you take professional advice of the relationship expert. Find out all about; how to get your ex back?

    Thursday, May 16, 2019

    How To Make A Good First Impression With Men

    How To Make A Good First Impression With Men
    How would YOU like to give EVERYONE you meet ' friends, colleagues, potential boyfriends ' a first impression they'll never forget? 

    Wouldn't it be great to naturally win just about anyone over because of your awesome personality?  Well, don't pay any mind to your inner naysayer'these qualities are already in you, and NOW is the best time to bring them out!

    This plain truth eludes a lot of women because it's one of those 'right-under-your-nose' kind of things.  Well, it's high time you played up the best version of yourself and share it with the rest of the world!

    It all starts here:

    That's right, all you need is the proper guidance to bring out the ATTRACTIVE and IRRESISTIBLE person that you've always wanted to be! 

    For the meantime however, I'd like to give you some pointers on how to jumpstart the inner transformation process TODAY.

    Like I said, wouldn't it be just peachy to leave folks no choice BUT to really dig you?  The thing about making a great first impression is that those who are good at it DON'T put too much thought about it.

    They don't think'they just DO.  In my experience, the single greatest obstacle to pulling this off is getting lost in your own head and trying to size up the situation too much.

    You know what I mean: shutting out the person you're talking to (along with the rest of the world) as your brain works overtime to second-guess everything you do!

    'Did I laugh too loud?'

    'Is there something in my teeth?'

    'Was I talking too fast?'

    'Sheesh, my joke sure sounded lame!'

    'I seem too eager'good luck hearing from him again!'

    These kinds of thoughts are POISON to your attractiveness.  Being deathly afraid of being less than perfect is going to make you TENSE. 

    And as you know, TENSE equals UNATTRACTIVE.

    So, to put it succinctly: RELAX.

    Don't let your nagging thoughts and doubts cloud your thinking.  Even if your emotions seem like chaos, you can 'fake it 'til you make it', as some like to say.

    Let me clarify what that means: it ISN'T about putting up a PHONY personality that doesn't really speak of who you really are.  On the contrary, it's a matter of *temporarily* putting up a semblance of being calm and collected.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    At first, acting cool as a cucumber may feel like putting on a new set of clothes that feels stiff and awkward at first.  However, this feeling will go away the longer you 'wear' this attitude of confidence.

    In the meantime, you'll just have to put up with this new feeling so that your anxiety won't get it the way of others seeing the REAL YOU. 

    In due time, you'll eventually outgrow it and being relaxed WILL become a natural part of you!

    But I'm getting ahead of myself here.  What are the things you should do to make people feel you're relaxed and in control?

    First of all, your body's subtle visual cues will tip them off on what you're feeling.  Body language goes a long way in generating the aura you're aiming for.

    So, what you can do is discreetly OBSERVE your confident friends or other people you're often with.  Do you notice how laid-back their posture is?

    Maybe you'll see the way their feet are apart at just the right distance.  Not too close, but not too far.  There's something about standing in a way that says you're not about to apologize for the space you're occupying'.

    'but at the same time, NOT being smug about it.

    A good way to exude confidence is by standing slightly on one leg with your back propped up just enough to avoid slouching.  At the same time, you don't want to be too upright like a solider either!

    Also, resist the temptation to give away your nervous energy by fiddling with the straw in your drink or that handbag you may have on you.  You'll need a place to tuck away those restless hands, but keeping your arms crossed isn't a good idea (as it's a very UNWELCOMING gesture!).

    Instead, simply rest your hands on a stationary spot. If you're sitting for instance, one hand could be resting on the table (if you're sitting) while your other palm is flat your knee. 

    Feel free to mix and match the placing of your digits as long as they'll serve to make you look like at ease.

    Next on your to-do list: make proper eye contact. 

    My general rule of thumb here is to look away and occasionally make quick, casual glances at your conversational partner as you speak.  Then, hold a more consistent gaze when it's their turn to talk.

    This is a great way to make a connection because being able to visually communicate with someone ensures that there's a healthy amount of rapport going on.  This aspect of self-confidence is often glossed over since some folks don't realize how vital this is.

    In general, this style of eye contact is flattering as your gaze implicitly tells them you're listening to them.  Giving someone your attention in this manner is a subtle way to express interest and joy to be in their company.

    As women, we're fortunate that prolonged eye-to-eye communication is well-received received by men AND fellow girls.  When we make eye contact, it's generally perceived as a friendly gesture, so you can use this to your advantage!

    When you think about it, looking away too much while a person is talking might send the wrong message.  It could look like you're bored to tears'or worse, that their company isn't good enough for your undivided attention!

    Similarly, not making brief moments of eye contact while speaking suggests you're ashamed or unsure of what you're saying.  Visually reconnecting every now and then during your turn to speak implies confidence in your thoughts and opinions.

    The last component of today's first impression skill set is the ability to SMILE.  Sometimes, we get so caught up in looking so confident that our facial muscles have forgotten to follow suit!

    That's ok ' we've all gone through times when our preoccupied minds have distracted us from expressing confidence with a smile.  Like the other basic things, it's easy to overlook this simple but powerful gesture.

    Now, it doesn't have to be the ear-to-ear kind of grin that would make Jack Nicholson proud.  Again, you have to appear relaxed so your smile should reflect this attitude.

    However, you also don't want to do it the way salesmen do.  It's the kind of smile that seems like a rigid, unreal mask that can be taken off as quickly as it was put on. 

    You know what I mean, right?  They're smiling just because they HAVE to, and not from the pleasure of hanging out with you.   

    The type of smile you'll need is the kind that GROWS on you during the course of the conversation.  Why?  It just seems more natural, relaxed, and NOT forced at all.

    It's an unspoken sign, but the message that the right smile gets across is worth a WHOLE conversation in itself.  So remember to ease up on the trigger, so to speak.

    In fact, there's a powerful effect to be found in not smiling much when meeting someone for the first time.  This allows you to create a connection by SLOWLY flashing those pearly whites after they've said something to 'EARN' it.

    Trust me, creating such an experience for that lucky person is quite meaningful ' even if their CONSCIOUS mind doesn't acknowledge it.

    As I told you earlier, you have a better chance of people warming up to you when they feel that their presence has made you feel better.  So what I'm really saying is that your smile is a reflection of that JOY within you.

    Hardly rocket science, right?  I'm telling you, this first impression stuff isn't some great mystery that needs solving!

    All the things we've covered today add up to a basic goal, which is to knock their socks off right from the GET-GO. 

    The first encounter is your best window of opportunity to permanently etch the kind of impression you want to make on someone. 

    The great thing about it all is that you have the means to make this happen, and having enough PRACTICE is what it boils down to. 

    You may know the basics now, but you don't study confidence, you DO it.  Only then can you truly embody the irresistible woman that's lurking within.

    Therefore, I'd like you to try out these things in the REAL WORLD where you'll truly LEARN what works and what doesn't.  As I've talked about in the past, mingling with folks isn't a matter of life or death.

    Once you wrap your mind around the truth that you have virtually infinite chances to hone your people person skills, the pressure just melts right OFF.

    So don't sweat having to practice your awesome first impression-generating skills on the unsuspecting public!  Just go about your day as normal, and when the next person is poised to have little chat with you, have at it!

    This article comes to you courtesy of

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    How To Make Him Miss You Badly

    How To Make Him Miss You Badly

    “Your body is away from me, but there is a window open from my heart to yours.”

    - Rumi

    Remember the last time you felt a powerful longing for that special someone?

    Whether you’ve only known him for a while, or you’re in a long-term relationship with him…

    …if he matters to you, being away from him is painful.

    But how do you make him feel the SAME?

    Suzanne, a preschool teacher from Sacramento, met Patrick through a mutual friend.

    They went out a few times over the last few months, and they seem to be getting along fine.

    However, something told Suzanne that he’s not that into it as she is.

    She shared, “I was always the one who texted him first. It would take him a couple of hours to reply, and it’d be like that the whole day.”

    “Every time I’d try and reach out - like sending him a funny picture or video – I wouldn’t get much of a reaction out of him,” Suzanne added.

    It was a bit frustrating for her because she really thought Patrick was a great guy, but didn’t feel like he missed Suzanne enough.

    And it was mostly Suzanne who made the effort to plan things so they could go out again.

    It got to a point where she started to think he was slipping away.

    That was when she decided to do something about it.

    “If I was going to lose him, I might as well try a few things to see if it would get him back,” Suzanne said.

    After she made a few changes, it did make a difference.

    Patrick started replying right away, and he was the one who texted first thing in the morning.

    If he wasn’t sending Suzanne sweet messages throughout the day, he was making plans to see her.

    And when they got together again, he finally told Suzanne what she wanted to hear:

    “Hey, I really missed you.”

    Are you doing enough?

    For a lot of women, everything seems fine and dandy when they’re with their guy.

    The tricky part is when they start spending time away from each other. There’s the risk of him drifting off and losing interest.

    And the problem is that these women go about it the wrong way. They think that have to pull some attention-grabbing stunt like going on social media and playing the jealousy game.

    Chances are he’s not going to fall for the “Look at me with these other guys on Facebook” trick.

    It’s going to backfire and it won’t make him think about you more.

    A better way is to give him hints and reminders that you’re someone worth thinking about 24/7.

    With a little finesse, you can make him long for you like no other woman has.

    Here are 7 Great Ways To Make A Man Miss You:

    #1: A little info goes a long way

    Oversharing is one of the biggest turn-offs for a guy. I can’t tell you how many times women have shot themselves in the foot with this one mistake!

    This applies more to someone you’re just getting to know. And if you think he might be the The One, you’ll be tempted to open up to him.

    I’ve noticed that women do this to strengthen their bond with a guy as quickly as possible.

    It’s a big mistake though, because trying to rush things with a guy emotionally is not a good recipe for romance.

    And trying to fast-track that connection with him is likely to freak him out.

    Kevin, a lawyer from Florida, once told me, “Everything was going great with this girl Tiffany whom I asked out to dinner. But then she started talking about her exes. I nearly choked on my steak when she told me about…the things she used to do with them. I don’t know what her deal was, and the only reason I didn’t sneak out the bathroom window was because they didn’t have one!”

    You’re probably not as explicit as Tiffany when it comes to personal details (I hope!), but you get the idea.

    Avoid talking about the touchy, personal areas of your life for now. If ever you wander into that territory, don’t give detailed answers and change the subject.

    There’s no need to fudge the facts, but you don’t need to beat him over the head with it, either.

    There’s plenty of time for that stuff later on. For now, give him some room to wonder about what makes you tick!

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    #2: Dress to kill

    Of course, you want him to love you for who you are, and not just for what you look like.

    If he only liked your body and nothing else, what kind of a relationship would that be?

    But having said that, the way you present yourself STILL matters.

    I don’t care if you’ve known the guy for 3 weeks or 3 decades. If you stop caring about your looks and all that other basic stuff, it sends the wrong message.

    I’ll share a little secret with you - 99% of the men I know don’t want a supermodel for a partner.

    They just need to know that she’s not going to trade her flattering outfits for a ratty shirt and sweatpants…

    …stop going to the gym…

    …or think hygiene is overrated.

    I mean, even if someone like Brad Pitt dressed like a slob, you probably wouldn’t like him either, right?

    (Ok, maybe that wasn’t the best example…but you know where I’m going with this.)

    So, stay on top of your game. Choose the right wardrobe and makeup (as much or as little of it as you need) to underscore your femininity.

    Let your clean, fresh appearance do the talking. Care about what you eat and burn those calories.

    You don’t need to be perfect (because NO one is), and it’s not a prerequisite for making him miss you.

    The point is to look good and more importantly, FEEL GOOD about yourself.

    He’ll feel that confidence radiating from your whole body. And THAT’S what will keep him coming back for more.

    #3: Hold your horses

    As much as you want him to want you, you should always keep the long game in mind.

    As we talked about earlier, a little intrigue is healthy in a relationship.

    It makes him want to pursue you, and put in the work to win you over.

    Men absolutely love a woman who’s up for a challenge. There’s a lot at stake when it comes to dating, but you still need to make it a FUN game for him.

    Don’t give him what he wants all the time, and don’t smother him with sweetness.

    Maybe on some days you’re extra affectionate (whether it’s face-to-face or through texts/emails/etc.)…

    …then other times, you’re very friendly BUT platonic towards him.

    Just when he thinks, “I’ve got this in the bag”, you come out of nowhere and play mental judo with him.

    Oh, how guys love/hate this one!

    Trust me, as a guy, I love being TEASED.

    Bear in mind however, he needs to know he’s still in the game and that this will eventually lead somewhere.

    Keep it light, playful and good-natured so that he sticks around and thinks about you.

    #4: Get a life

    An awesome one, that is.

    I don’t know about other guys, but I’m not sure how to feel about a woman who’s obviously not doing much aside from waiting for me to call her.

    Men actually don’t like it when you’re TOO available for them.

    It’s kind of like playing chess with someone…

    How would you feel if the other person suddenly yelled out, “Checkmate, you got me!” even before you made the first move?

    It wouldn’t be any fun, right?

    Again, it’s all about CHALLENGE.

    And living a happening, interesting life is one way to make your guy feel the bittersweet pain of your absence.

    Don’t go on the ol’ social media machine and post pictures of you at a party…

    …while you’re spending your free time watching “Sex and the City” reruns in bed with a bag of chips.

    (Do women actually do that? If not, just insert your sedentary activity of choice.)

    Live your life from a genuine place and invest your time in doing things that help you GROW.

    And sometimes, that means you’ll have to hold off on seeing him (which is way different from dropping off the face of the earth) because you’ve already made plans before he asked you.

    Women who are totally engaged with their lives effortlessly project a grounded, mature (read: NOT boring), yet fascinating personality.

    When he sees how much fun you’re having from doing the things you’re passionate about…

    …he’ll want to gatecrash the party and get in on the action!

    He’ll be like, “She looks cool. I can totally see myself hanging out with her. Bet she’s amazing in bed, too.”

    (Whoops, did I just say that? But it’s true...)

    Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you...

    #5: Positivity breeds positivity

    Fun has been a recurring theme in this article, and for good reason.

    Men don’t want to be around someone who brings down their energy. We’re driven, competitive, and we like people who lift us up.

    And it’s the same with a romantic partner: no one likes a party pooper.

    Look, I know you can’t be Pollyanna and spout platitudes of sunshine and happiness all the time. We all have our bad days.

    Nevertheless, it’s important to him that you have a generally positive attitude - and not walk around with a dark cloud hanging over your head.

    Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

    - “Do I find myself complaining a lot? Do I rant on social media every time something bad happens - or comment on every piece of bad news out there?”

    - “When I’m with my guy, do I talk crap about my co-workers, relatives and friends?”

    - “Do I try to see the best in people and situations? Or do I tend to assume the opposite?”

    I’m not saying that you’re a miserable person, but it does help to do a little self-reflection and awareness – especially when you’re around your guy.

    #6: Practice radio silence every now and then

    Nope, I don’t mean cutting off all contact and see how he reacts.

    Playing hard to get to an extent is fine, but it isn’t about manipulating his emotions or making him feel bad.

    So all I’m asking is that you don’t broadcast every single thing you’re doing.

    He doesn’t need to know what you’re having for lunch, or how Linda from Marketing hogged the floor during the office meeting.

    Social networking sites are a bit to blame because it adds to the “Gimme my 15 minutes” culture.

    And technology in general is making it way TOO easy for us to bombard other people with the mundane aspects of our lives.

    This special guy of yours isn’t your best friend or mother. He’s perfectly fine wondering a little what you’re up to.

    In fact, it’s the perfect way to avoid making him feel crowded. Give him the headspace to think about you, rather than trying too hard to insert yourself in his thoughts.

    #7: Finish STRONG

    Ever heard the expression “stick the landing”?

    It’s when an athlete finishes a move in style (like in gymnastics) and strikes a cool pose – often to thunderous applause.

    In dating, you can do the same and leave a strong impression in a guy’s mind. That way, he’ll be counting the minutes until he sees you again.

    Here are a few ways to do this:
    • Don’t let the date go and on. Eventually, the energy level will go down and that’s not the best time to say your goodbyes. Have a set time, and let him know you have to be up early for work tomorrow.

    • So, that means you’ll need to make him feel great while he’s with you. Don’t make the conversation all about you, give him a chance to share his stories, and tell your own (positive and funny ones work best).

    • Touch his arm, punch him playfully on the shoulder or mess up his hair (if the situation allows it). Physical cues of attraction are key.

    After your date, he’ll keep replaying that wonderful experience in his head over and over again.

    Remember when Netflix wasn’t a thing yet and you had to wait a whole week to see the next episode?

    I kinda miss that, and I actually liked cliffhangers because it gave me something to look forward to.

    Plus, it was nice to be able to digest what I just watched. Nowadays, we’re overindulging ourselves by binge-watching the whole thing till our eyes glaze over.

    In the same way, you’ve got to pace yourself so he doesn’t get sick of you. That’s the whole point of the game.

    But if you’ve been doing most of what we’ve just talked about and he’s STILL pulling away…

    …there might be something more serious going on here.

    A lot of women struggle with this problem, and they’re often clueless why they can’t stop their man from slipping through their fingers.

    However, you don’t have to feel powerless about this situation.

    There’s still hope and you can start by learning about Why Men Pull Away in this shocking video

    Click Here now to keep him from leaving and win his heart back for good… 

    How To Make Him Miss You Badly by Slade Shaw; Author of Why Men Pull Away

    Getting back together with an ex can be a long and lengthy process but getting back isn't that hard if you take professional advice of the relationship expert. Find out all about; how to get your ex back?

    Wednesday, May 1, 2019

    Flirting With Men - How To Do It?

    Flirting With Men - How To Do It?
    Sometimes, the best opportunity to be better at attracting men is lying right under our noses.  Everyday, life is full of little chances that will help us become more of a 'people person', which of course leads to GREATER irresistibility!

    Even the most mundane of situations present a way for you to become better at conversing with folks of all shapes and sizes (along with quality men!).  Starting today, all you need to do is keep an eye out for chances to develop your conversational skills and self-confidence in general.

    Understandably, women who haven't developed the habit of getting there and mingling with other people won't be used to kicking off a great conversation.  In other words, the thought of chatting with strangers is unappealing to these girls ' or even downright SCARY.

    All it really takes are the right ideas which will help enforce the habit of chatting up all sorts of folks.  So for today, THIS is exactly what we're going discover.

    Of course, if you would like the shortcut to your seduction success, you can check out Meet Your Sweet's 'Get a Guy Guide:'

    Now, I'd like to familiarize you with the most basic aspects of being a friendlier, more approachable version of yourself in order to make men (and other folks in general) naturally responsive to you.

    This is where the importance of FLIRTING comes in. 

    You might think that flirting is about making raunchy innuendo.  Perhaps your idea of being a good flirt has to do with lacing your conversation with sexual implications and the like.

    Well, this is actually just a misconception that's given the fine art of flirting a bad rap these days.  The funny truth is that you can flirt with just about any stranger out there, whether he's a guy OR a girl!

    Before you get all confused with my last statement, let me clear up what flirting is all about.  It's the ability to elicit GOOD FEELINGS within a person, regardless of gender.

    Basically, the point of flirting is a basic desire to spread feel-good vibes among the people that you meet WITHOUT wanting anything in return (like a date or romantic attention!).

    Although your intentions for flirting are to simply have fun with everyone, the ironic twist is that you'll also happen to attract guys in the process!

    When you come across as a lady who has a natural tendency to make EVERYONE around her FEEL GREAT, then that's what good flirting is all about!

    If you're able to associate your presence with positive emotions, it would make sense for people to want to be around you.   With that said, how does a girl go about working on her flirtation skills?

    #1:  Pay them a compliment

    Before you start handing out words of praise like they were going out of style tomorrow, you need to have a CLEAR idea of what this is all about.

    Like what I said about sincerity earlier, you want to make people feel good about themselves with no ulterior motive.  Anyone would be turned off by someone who was obviously just sucking up to him or her.

    It's easy to feel this way if the person got a whiff of phoniness from a compliment.  For instance, people can tell if you're firing off a flattering remark with NO THOUGHT at all'

    'whereas EARNESTLY observing something important to the person and praising it accordingly will deeply resonate within him or her!

    Although this seems like a doozy to pull off, it's actually not as hard as it sounds.  A smart girl like you just needs to put her powers of observation to good use!

    As I mentioned at the start of this newsletter, all you have to do is look out for things 'hidden' in plain sight.  Greater AWARENESS is vital in situations like these, so keep your eyes peeled for things to compliment people on!

    The next time you run into someone with whom you can talk to for a bit, try your hand at making him/her feel good with some well-placed words of praise. 

    Don't feel like they have to like you because of it, what's important is that you simply felt like saying something nice for the heck of it.  No more, no less!

    For instance, if that new guy sitting next to your cubicle at work has a cool screensaver from the movie 'Avatar' on his monitor, make a brief but meaningful comment if the situation allows it.

    Saying something like 'Hey, that's a sweet screensaver ' I guess you like the movie even more than I did!'

    This is a great way to establish some RAPPORT and VALIDATE his personal interests.

    Pretty soon, you might be adding more fuel to the fire by saying 'I love how the film gave the expression 'walking in someone else's shoes' a new meaning!'

    And who knows, it may serve as a starting point for a longer conversation!  In this example, all you wanted to do was to take notice of something you HONESTLY liked and gave him props for it.

     Sometimes, taking the initiative to pay a sincere compliment goes a long way!

    #2: Keep it light, keep it fun!

    Now that we've established that flirting is meant to make others feel good, you also need to know about another important guideline.  You can't generate those things within someone if you don't feel good about yourself to begin with!

    Anyone with an infectiously pleasant personality knows that having that a positive attitude begets the same vibe from the people around them.  That's why you need to be 'in the zone' when you're mingling with the folks you run into.

    You have to remember that your level of energy must be just as high (if not higher) than the person you're talking to.  Otherwise, your flirting efforts will be a lost cause.

    But that doesn't mean you have to transform into a hyperactive version of yourself ' you just have to go by a few important pointers to make sure that you're always in top form!

    For instance, thinking too much is one of the biggest positive attitude-killers that will keep you from being at your most flirtatious.  Some women have a tendency to let the inner chatter in their heads DISTRACT them.

    I'm sure anyone at some point in their social lives has made the mistake of trying TOO HARD to sound witty or clever.  The end result of this habit is that you end up thinking of what to say next without bothering to LISTEN to the person in front of you.

    Why pressure yourself and act like your life depended on it?  It doesn't work that way!

    This line of thinking defeats the very purpose of flirting, which is to establish rapport by being playful, relaxed and fun-loving.  Driving yourself mad with thoughts like 'I hope this guy likes me' will only keep you from giving him your full attention (which is a very ATTRACTIVE thing to do!).

    So do yourself a favor and just keep your ears peeled to the conversation.  That's the best way to keep the fun going! 

    Let me give you an example.  Pretend that the guy you're talking to just told you about a great experience he had camping out with his buddies by the lake over the weekend.

    Maybe he mentioned that he got a kick out of momentarily leaving his hectic city life behind and relaxing in the wilderness.  Paying ATTENTION to a key point such as this would then allow you to share some of your own thoughts to complement his.

    Then you can say something in a similar train of thought: 'Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun!  You know, sometimes I need a little peace and quiet myself when the week gets crazy'so every now and then I do my own thing by chilling out at home, turn up my Zen music and curl up with a good book!'

    Bingo!  Not only did you indirectly praise his interests, you've also created some excellent common ground between you two!

    And you weren't even trying to impress him by topping his story; all you really did was to take something he finds important and give it right back at him!

    To recap: DON'T psych yourself out by thinking that a failed attempt at flirting is going to be the death of you!

    Relax into the moment and keep a cool head about yourself.  What should a sassy girl like you be afraid of anyway?

    Flirting is a playful way of testing the waters with a guy.  A lighthearted verbal exchange is meant to let you know if your personalities are going to mesh well.

    If not, it's certainly NOT any great loss on your part so there's nothing to be freaked out about!

    As far as the big picture is concerned, taking these little hiccups in stride by staying POSITIVE is actually an attractive trait to have.  More importantly, the motivation for flirting is to simply share your joy for living with others!

    And that's a lot easier to do than wanting people to like you.  Go for an impression that tells people, 'I'm having FUN talking with you' instead of something off-putting like 'Won't you please like me?'

    If you want to keep the things fun, DON'T let your mind wander into thoughts about the OUTCOME of your conversation. 

    What happens AFTER the conversation is irrelevant.  The important thing is that you're living IN THE MOMENT, totally focused on the person you're chatting with.

    Did he laugh at your jokes?  Great!  Did he give you the cold shoulder?  Great! 

    See, it doesn't matter because this doesn't have any bearing on who you are as a woman.  The great thing about these experiences is that you LEARN from your accomplishments (or mistakes) every time!

    So the next time you head out of the house, don't forget to ditch the negative self-talk and leave your unreasonably harsh inner critic at the door!

    The general idea is to open up to the rest of humanity out there and welcome the chances that come your way. 

    The broad spectrum of your cheerful personality is going affect everyone around you:  your family, friends, colleagues'and of course, the potential Mr. Right's waiting to meet you!

    This article comes to you courtesy of

    If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's 'Get a Guy Guide.'

    If you want genuine men, and not just any man, let Mirabelle Summers and the team challenge your beliefs about love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.

    No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real women!

    Getting back together with an ex can be a long and lengthy process but getting back isn't that hard if you take professional advice of the relationship expert. Find out all about; how to get your ex back?

      8 Body Language Signs That He Loves You

      8 Body Language Signs That He Loves You
      “Emotion looks the same whether you’re a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. The truth is written on our faces.” - Cal Lightman, “Lie To Me”

      Men: aren’t they a handful?

      If you’re not stressing out over their will-he-or-won’t-he-commit antics, they’re giving you mixed signs about how they feel.

      It can be frustrating trying to decode what a man says because unlike women, he’s not as emotionally expressive. So, he may be feeling one way, but his words suggest otherwise.

      But it’s not that he’s trying to mislead you on purpose. The problem is that most guys grew up not learning how to communicate their feelings.

      So that leaves a lot of room for misunderstandings and unspoken sentiments.

      Sometimes, even he doesn’t know what he’s feeling at the moment and has a hard time sorting them out.

      That makes it even more challenging for a guy to give you the real deal about where you stand with him.

      On top of that, your guy might be particularly shy or terrified at the thought of getting turned down (something common among men).

      Missed signs, Missed opportunities

      With so much getting in the way, it’s easy for you to misread his signs and take it for romantic interest – which of course, will put a huge, AWKWARD wedge between you two.

      Or maybe the signs were flashing right in front of you, but went over your head.

      And when you finally realized it after the fact, it was too late and the proverbial ship had already sailed.

      If either of those things have happened to you, don’t fret. Plenty of women have had their dreamboat get away from them on account of this pesky problem.

      But there is a way to read your guy like a book so you when he’s giving you the green light…

      ...or if you should take a detour and move on.

      While his words can be ambiguous, his BODY is another story. Everything he does sends a clear message of how he’s REALLY feeling.

      Dr. David Givens, Ph.D., author of “Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship”, says that humans give off these non-verbal cues during the courtship phase as a way of “feeling out” a potential mate.

      There’s a certain rhythm to it, much like how animals engage in mating rituals.

      In other words, it’s in our DNA, and humans have been playing this game for as long as we’ve been on this planet.

      And if you want to win big time, the trick is to learn the crucial signs that tell you your guy is, in fact, feeling it.

      If you can identify the signals as he gives them off, you’ll know exactly how to plan your next move.

      Best of all, these signs are just as legit whether you’ve known him for some time, like a colleague or mutual friend…

      …or that hottie who walked into the coffee shop five minutes ago.

      With that, let’s get into the 8 Sure-Fire Body Cues He’s Into You:

      #1: What do his eyes tell you?

      Before anything else, he’s going to scope the scene. So your guy will try and get a feel of things by making eye contact.

      If he’s trying to make a visual connection, that’s him reaching out and checking if he can move on to the next step.

      He’ll usually start with a tentative glance, connect with you, then look somewhere else.

      And when he looks at you again, it’s game on!

      Personally, I’m not a fan of the whole check-his-pupils-if-they’re-dilated business. It’s not like you can walk up and start observing him like a lab rat.

      Anyway, the important thing is that he’s got that look that says he wants to reach out and touch you - which brings us to the next sign…

      Click here to Discover Why Men Pull Away - and make sure he'll NEVER leave you...

      #2: He’ll want to get up close and personal

      Alright, so his next move is getting in your space, but in a friendly and non-threatening way.

      Maybe you’re telling him something during a conversation and he’ll get in closer to hear you better.

      But if you’re 100% audible within earshot and he STILL gets in to listen, that’s different.

      That’s him instinctively trying to get into your comfort zone in a casual manner. It’s all very subtle and chances are he’s not even aware he’s doing it.

      But all the same, humans use physical proximity as a yardstick of emotional closeness. And a guy going the distance is probably on the path to being more than friends with you.

      This could be a man who checked you out at the bookstore or grocery aisle and made some chit-chat – or a long-time friend trying to escalate things further.

      It doesn’t matter. Speaking of escalation, let’s move on…

      #3: He’ll turn things up

      Ok, let me back up a bit first. Most men grew up not really having the benefit of physical affection as much as women do.

      While women are usually more keen to express themselves through touch - and getting that in return – guys aren’t in the same position.

      That’s just how it is and there’s nothing wrong with that. It does, however, put your man in a position where he’s, in a way, “starved” for this kind of attention.

      That’s why when he’s in the presence of someone he digs, he’ll naturally gravitate towards her.

      More importantly, if your guy feels THAT way for you, he’ll try to make contact in “small” ways.

      It’s going to be low-key, like brushing against your elbow…

       …tapping your shoulder to get your attention…

      …a playful jab when you’re joking around…

      …or squeezing your forearm ever so lightly for a microsecond when he’s making a point in a conversation.

      Also, your smooth operator is going to gauge how you react. So if you’re feeling it too, help him out by responding favorably.

      He knows he’s treading on unfamiliar ground, which is why your man is dying to get a sign of hope from you - just saying…

      #4: He’s got a different vibe around you

      Do you sense your guy’s a bit on edge, or isn’t at ease as he is with other people (e.g. his buddies, co-workers, etc.)?

      Or maybe he’s acting a bit awkward, stammers a little and his voice has a nervous pitch to it…

      If your man’s like this with you, and NOT with anyone else, then he sees you differently from them – and that’s a GOOD thing.

      He’s feeling a special kind of pressure that only comes with someone he’s in love with.

      You might not realize that while he’s talking to you, he’s racking his brains trying to think of the perfect response.

      So he might end up tripping over himself trying to impress you. In his mind, he wants to be that funny, charming guy he thinks you want him to be.

      And you’ll probably notice that he can’t keep his hands still either. He’s either ramming his straw in his drink, chewing his lip, tapping his foot while he’s seated, twirling a pencil between his fingers, or running his hands through his hair.

      If you’re noticing any of this, try to put him at ease. Trust me, a little encouragement goes a long way with a guy.

      Once he knows he’s still in the game, he’ll eventually overcome that awkwardness and sweep you off your feet.

      Click here to discover the sure-fire way to make him stay...

      #5: He’s trying to look his best

      Look at the way he’s standing in front of you. If he appeared laid back and relaxed before you showed up, he might suddenly act like there’s an invisible hanger in the back of his shirt.

      Aside from that, he’ll be showing off his glorious pecs by sticking his chest out.

      He’s unconsciously broadcasting his masculine features in the hopes of getting your attention, not unlike peacocks who flaunt their feathers to attract a mate.

      You might even catch him fixing his hair or smoothing out his shirt with his hands if he knows you’re nearby.

      I call it the “Drill Sergeant Effect”: when you walk by, he’ll snap at full attention and wouldn’t dream about disappointing you.

      #6: Everything else fades into the background

      You know how it is in cartoons or movies when the guy’s love interest is talking and he’s practically hypnotized from watching her lips move?

      For further comedic effect, it’ll turn dead silent right before cheesy romantic music starts playing.

      Meanwhile, the poor guy’s sitting there, mesmerized. He couldn’t find a way out of her eyes even if he had a map!

      So what I’m trying to say is that you kind of have the same effect on a guy, and it SHOWS.

      He’ll make you feel like you’re the most important person in the room.

      Well, that’s because you ARE that important to him, and he’ll be hanging on to every word you say.

      It’s like nobody else is there because you have his FULL attention.

      He’ll nod, laugh and give you a healthy dose of ‘uh-huh’, ‘yeah’, ‘oh’ and ‘wow’ to let you know he’s really listening to you.

      #7: He’ll be ‘in sync’ with you

      No, he’s not going to try to win you over by singing and dancing like a certain boy band.
      (A little 90s reference there… *wink, wink*)

      Ok, semi-funny jokes aside (you chuckled a little, admit it), a guy in love will try to match your pace in a couple of crucial ways.

      First, he’s going to walk alongside you at a slower pace.

      Weird, right? But it’s true.

      This might be a situation where you ran into each other by chance, or you’re both headed in the same direction for some reason (like running an errand together or something like that).

      Whatever it is, he’s likely to adjust his speed, usually by slowing down.

      According to a Seattle Pacific University study entitled “Energetic Consequences of Human Sociality: Walking Speed Choices among Friendly Dyads”, men have generally evolved to either speed up or slow down for their partner so she doesn’t have to waste any precious energy.

      So what that all means is that he’s doing this for your benefit, and it’s a privilege reserved only for YOU.

      And here’s another interesting tidbit about sexual attraction: he’s going to try and match YOUR body language as well.

      He’ll be doing what you do, like leaning forward when you’re sitting across each other, or have his hands on his hips like you while standing up.

      It could even extend into verbal territory, like trying to TALK like you.

      For instance, he’ll start using your favorite expressions - that’s him subconsciously expressing his desire to establish rapport with you.

      That way, you’ll feel more comfortable around him.

      And finally, the last big thing to look out for…

      #8: He’s…“open”

      Nothing like a vague sign to end things on an anticlimactic note, am I right?

      (Just kidding…last one, I promise!)

      Yeah, so you’ll notice that he’ll avoid any gestures that might suggest that he’s closed off to you in any shape or form.

      He’s not going to blow his chances by sending any message along the lines of “go away!”

      His arms won’t be crossed and he’ll sit back in his chair to look relaxed (even though his heart’s racing), and his feet are pointed towards you.

      Oh, and he’ll probably have a big old smile plastered on his gorgeous mug. And it’s not the polite kind of smile, either.

      I’m talking about the holy-cow-I-can’t-believe-you’re-actually-here-and-I-hope-this-moment-never-ends kind of smile that you can’t miss.

      Men have a knack for flashing those pearly whites because they’re a signal they’re truly grateful for sharing the same air as you.

      That might sound a little needy or desperate, but believe me, a guy couldn’t care any less about feeling this way about you.

      In those precious moments, time seems to freeze and nothing else matters to him except YOU. He’s in awe of you and it’s nothing short of MAGICAL for him.

      His body will show it, and that expression on his face will tell you.

      If you’re seeing more than half of these signs, then you’ve got a good thing going for you.

      But what if you USED to see these signs, and the magic has faded a bit?

      He had that warmth about him before, but now things have gotten a little chilly.

      Or worse, he might even be showing signs that he’s PULLING AWAY.

      Don’t despair though – it’s not the end of the world…or your relationship.

      You see, I’ve helped plenty of women figure out exactly why guys leave, and it’s NOT for the reasons you think.

      The truth is that you can spot these signs immediately AND keep him from walking out the door.

      Better yet, you can make him feel like he’s falling in love with you all over again. Then he’ll give you those body language signals of affection all day, every day.

      It all starts by watching this free video I just put up:

      Find out why he wants to leave – and how to win him back – CLICK HERE

      8 Body Language Signs That He Loves You by Slade Shaw; Author of Why Men Pull Away 

      Getting back together with an ex can be a long and lengthy process but getting back isn't that hard if you take professional advice of the relationship expert. Find out all about; how to get your ex back?

        Wednesday, April 17, 2019

        Overcoming Myths About Men

        Overcoming Myths About Men
        Have you ever found yourself making the same mistake over and over simply because you didn't know any better at the time?

        We're all human's from time to time we unintentionally make the occasional blunder due to a bunch of mistaken assumptions running in the back of our mind.

        These false beliefs keep us blissfully unaware that our ill-informed decisions will actually lead us to disaster! 

        And you know what?  This isn't a bad thing in itself because learning from our mistakes adds to our body of knowledge.  However, wouldn't you want to AVOID making these boo-boos if you COULD?

        This is why you need to UNLEARN any incorrect notions that could cloud your better judgment.

        Sometimes, it just takes another pair of eyes to identify the mindsets that could drive you towards perfectly preventable mistakes.  Gain some fresh insight by going here:

        How many times have you gotten into a situation that yielded bad results because you had the wrong ideas in mind? 

        Certain perceptions of men can mess up your chances of having a great relationship with them.  When we assume given things about the opposite sex, your actions could PREVENT the relationship from going in a healthy direction.

        Thus, let's take a look at a couple of the most common myths about men which you need to steer clear of:

        #1: Guys are into "low maintenance" women.

        Actually, this wouldn't be a problem if the term "low maintenance" wasn't misconstrued in the first place.  Oftentimes, when some misguided women hear this adjective, they equate it to having no opinion of their own and being a complete PUSHOVER.

        This attitude reminds me of the 1950's housewife archetype often portrayed in TV sitcoms of the same era.

        You know what I'm talking about: Sugary-sweet on the outside, but brimming with unspoken emotions on the inside.

        She's the one who's afraid to mess up a perfectly good relationship by speaking up too much.  This is the kind of girl who has regrettably shut off her ability to express her feelings in a healthy way.

        Sadly, this glaring misconception is unconsciously driving many women to behave in a very NEEDY way. In the back of their minds, they take the idea of being low-maintenance to such an EXTREME that they've become a mere shadow of their former selves.

        Being 'low maintenance' in the truest sense of the word is defined by REALISTIC qualities. 

        This is a well-adjusted, reasonable person who doesn't throw a fit when her partner unwittingly makes the occasional offhand remark.

        (And I emphasize 'OCCASIONAL', as opposed to 'habitually', but anyway')

        This is also the kind of girl who can properly manage her feelings MOST of the time and keeps emotional meltdowns to a reasonable minimum.  When it comes to mood swings, low maintenance women don't often have these and only under the most stressful of circumstances.

        All in all, this is an ideal picture of what low maintenance is all about.

        Therefore, it's NOT about being so laid-back to the point where you're frazzled and out of breath from trying to please a guy's every whim'

        'or even TOLERATE selfishness.

        And being low maintenance is definitely a far cry from transforming into a disturbingly submissive version of yourself.

        Remember, there's a difference between a cool girl that doesn't get upset over the little things'

        'and the emotional SLAVE who doesn't have any purpose aside from sacrificing her dignity and independence in the name of 'love'.

        The mentality you should have is that a relationship is NOT the only thing you have going for you.

        If you would make a map of your life right now, would you say it's dominated by huge chunks of land exclusively reserved for a boyfriend? 

        Or does this map have equally allocated areas meant for your family, friends, career and hobbies?

        Even though we're always talking about how to get into a good, healthy relationship, you have to understand that this is only ONE PART of your multi-faceted self. 

        The SUM of your pursuits in life defines who you are.

        If you build your universe around whether you're single or not, your resulting actions will create a very unattractive impression of neediness. 

        You wouldn't want anyone to believe that having a boyfriend is the ONLY thing that motivates you in life, right? You know you're TOO GOOD to act like that.

        Don't get me wrong ' it's WONDERFUL to have a partner who adores and respects you.  That crazy rush you feel when you fall in love can greatly inspire you do great things in the other areas of your life.

        However, my point is that you should still retain a good sense of PERSPECTIVE when you *do* get into a relationship.  What that means is that you'd be just as fine even if you didn't have a boyfriend at the moment.

        Your life was just as fine before you met him, and you can certainly leave if you're not being treated the way you should be. 

        Of course, I don't mean this in an arrogant way nor am I suggesting that our partners should be the pushovers instead!

        All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be scared to leave the comfort zone of your relationship if it isn't helping your personal growth.

        Also, in no way should you cover up your true feelings by waiving your right to SPEAK UP if you need to (i.e. when the terms are unfavorable). 

        A good relationship is always a TWO-WAY street, so don't let the low-maintenance myth (or rather, misconception) tell you otherwise.

        #2: Falling in Love is Eternal Bliss Guaranteed

        The other common trap women fall into is the assumption that those butterfly-in-the-stomach feelings you first get when you meet someone will remain CONSTANT in the relationship.

        However, this just isn't going to happen.  Even happily married couples who've been together for decades know that their initial infatuation for each other evolved into a deeper and more MATURE sense of loving.

        This kind of love goes beyond the initial rush that all new couples go through.  This is the love that's weathered countless emotional storms, power struggles and other CHALLENGES.

        The end result is a rock-solid relationship that doesn't constantly require you to feel the heart-quickening rush found in infatuation. 

        But there's no reason to panic over this fact of life.  You shouldn't be afraid of outgrowing this primary stage in your relationship since better things are headed your way.

        Over time, the falling in love stage will eventually be replaced by something more powerful in the long run.  It's just that you're going to go through a series of trials as a couple before you get there.

        Don't buy into the myth that loving your guy as you do now will be enough to get you through the years.  Remember that neither of you are perfect; somewhere along the way, your 'little' differences are going to catch up to you.

        (I've heard of couples breaking up over their brand of toothpaste, but hopefully your own relationship won't go to that extreme!)

        I'll be honest with you here: you're going to FIGHT tooth and nail over things like this, and you're going to wake up and smell the coffee sooner or later.  But power struggles are NORMAL after the familiarity settles in.

        If you can accept the reality that love will inevitably undergo a transformation over time, then you'll have no reason to worry about the growing pains in your relationship.

        Otherwise, insisting that everything will run smoothly or take care of itself will BLIND you to speedbumps in the future.

        Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy the moment because being HAPPY is the point of having a relationship, right? 

        You just have to be aware that things will change eventually.  However, you can stay happy as long as you're cool with having to deal with the reality check phase in due time.

        (No need to worry your pretty little self about stuff UNTIL you have to!)

        All in all, finding happiness in a man's arms is best done by keeping a REALISTIC perspective no matter how head over heels you may feel at a given moment. 

        There are a lot of impractical beliefs and notions that we women are unnecessarily exposed to in these modern times.  Like it or not, picking up unrealistic perceptions of love and dating is just a TV show or DVD rental away.

        In this confusing sea of misinformation, a sassy girl definitely needs to keep her wits afloat!  

        For the most part, whatever we read in books or see onscreen are distilled versions of life at best.  It doesn't necessarily reflect what happens in REAL situations!

        So we can't project unrealistic fantasies onto real life and NOT expect to run into problems! 

        The real world naturally includes the complexities of human behavior.  You need to keep this in mind when considering what men want from us and what we should expect from them.

        This article comes to you courtesy of

        If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's Get a Guy Guide.

        If you want genuine men, and not just any man, let Mirabelle Summers and the team challenge your beliefs about love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.

        No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real women!

        Getting back together with an ex can be a long and lengthy process but getting back isn't that hard if you take professional advice of the relationship expert. Find out all about; how to get your ex back?

          Tuesday, April 16, 2019

          How to Talk To Men Conversation Tips

          How to Talk To Men Conversation Tips

          Everybody has sticking points, whether it's work, relationships or life in general.  But that's fine and dandy because the learning process is what makes us better women.

          Perhaps you're struggling with certain behaviors or fears that might be keeping you from making the most out of your love life.  Not to worry though; author Mirabelle Summers has created the ultimate game-free guide on how to do just THAT:

          The "Get A Great Guy Guide" is just the thing you need to achieve the breakthrough that you've been waiting for.  With its sensible, no-nonsense and down-to-earth advice for the sassy, modern girl, finding AND holding on to a quality man will be a cinch!

          Now then - one of the most common stumbling blocks to more romance in a woman's life is a simple lack of conversational know-now.  The good news is that this can be LEARNED and immediately applied in your everyday life!

          Especially while you're face-to-face with a potential lover!

          Oftentimes the problem is that some well-meaning girls overlook the importance of having the right communication style.  It's not that they WANT to be boring; they're merely unaware of how to hold a conversation.

          No sensible gal is going to get up in the morning and tell herself, "I wonder how I'm gonna BORE the socks off of that cute stranger I'm going run into at the coffee shop today?"

          If you want to become a better conversationalist, it's important to consider if you've grown accustomed to certain patterns of speech that are actually counterproductive.  Sometimes, you need to step back and ask if you've fallen into certain habits which you've numbed yourself to over time.

          So the first step towards any form of improvement is SELF-AWARENESS.  Think about the way you normally carry a conversation with a guy and ask yourself if your style could use some polishing.

          Of course, I don't want you to start beating yourself up if you feel that the way you talk to men isn't as attractive as you might want it to be.  Like I said earlier, there's always room for improvement, and it's definitely a good thing to know EXACTLY which areas can be improved.

          With that said, I want you to go over the following tip you can use to enhance your communication style:

          # 1: Rapport is Key

          It may sound like the simplest thing in the world to say, but the fact is lots of perfectly adorable women have a hard time doing this.
          It's mainly because they only have a VAGUE idea of what rapport is, so naturally you can't create something you can't really put a pin on!

          So let's clear up the fog surrounding this topic and identify what it is exactly.  In a nutshell, having rapport is about having a CONNECTION with someone.

          You know how you hook up your iPod or mobile phone to your computer, and they suddenly have this mutual understanding?  It's kind of like that, but on a DEEPER level.

          Let me give you a clearer picture: if you were at a party packed with all manner of gorgeous, articulate and friendly men, which one of them are you likely to REALLY fall for?

          Since they're all visually and mentally appealing, you might have a hard time figuring out which guy suits you.  Chances are the one who naturally understands you will be the man you'd want to date.

          Why is that?  Well, doesn't it feel just GREAT when a person instinctively senses where you're coming from? 

          I'm sure you've met at least one person in your life who you inexplicably feel drawn to.  That's because that person seems to perfectly understand and echo back your own opinions or feelings.

          That sense of being connected is what rapport is all about.  Fortunately, it's actually not hard at all to do this in your daily conversations.

          The first thing to keep in mind is that you need to be on the 'same page' as the person you're talking to.  There are easy ways to do this.

          For example, keep an ear out for specific concepts or values that are personally close to the person you're in a conversation with.  If he brings up that it's important to him to have some quiet time everyday, store that away for future reference.

          Later on you can echo back that same concept by telling him about how YOU like to spend your alone time:  'At the end of the day I like to spend an hour or so curling up with a good book and a nice warm cup of chamomile tea.  It really helps decompress after a crazy day, you know what I mean?'

          Step back and watch his eyes light up like a Christmas tree!  By taking something close to his heart and giving it back to him in a genuine way, your words will make quite the IMPACT on him.

          So, rapport really has to do a lot with speaking the same 'language'.  Now of course, I don't mean you have to start mimicking everything he's saying like a little parrot, but rather do it in an EMOTIONAL sense.

          Discovering and talking about the values that resonate with you BOTH is a way to speak the same language. 
          When you think about it, we often adapt our modes of speech depending on the context we're in. 

          For example, you wouldn't talk to your friends, family, colleagues, or elders in the same EXACT way would you?

          So don't think that you're being a phony by making an effort to speak in the same way that he does.  You're simply getting into the practice of communicating in a way that's APPROPRIATE to the situation. 

          And when it comes to chatting up gorgeous guys, a meeting of the minds is best done through rapport-building speech patterns!

          # 2: Switch Off Your Brain

          Don't get me wrong, the kinds of guys who are worth your time are into women of SUBSTANCE.  And certainly, this next conversational tip is not about acting air-headed or ditzy.

          All I'm advising you do is keep your sexy brain from going into overdrive!  A common mistake that intelligent women often commit is to think too much about certain things.

          They get so caught up in their own world of thoughts that they'll come off as aloof or distracted, when in reality they're just petrified from FEAR of not knowing what to say next.

          If you don't want your brain from stalling on you, then you have to quiet your thoughts and shut out the nagging distractions in your pretty little noggin.

          The attraction-killing thoughts I'm talking about are those coming from the inner critic trying to sabotage your conversation.  Sometimes, we make the mistake of mentally scolding ourselves after saying something that felt out of place or unfunny.

          Other times, we're lost in a maze of thoughts on what to say next or get bogged down in a swamp of self-consciousness.

          When you feel your brain going in this direction, acknowledge what's going on and DROP these mental distractions.

          There's a handy little trick you can do in case your attention is drifting off to la-la land: instead of obsessing about how you look in his eyes or what he might be thinking, simply divert your attention to HIM.

          It's a girl's best defense against looking aloof or detached from the conversation (or from this plane of reality for that matter!).  So remember to shut off this part of your brain, and you'll do just fine.

          On another note however, sometimes it's the guy you're talking to that's feeling self-conscious.  If that's the case, then don't act or talk in any way that might give away you're AWARE of it.

          Just play it cool and don't dwell on the vibe he's giving off.  It'll only make things more awkward if you let his state affect your own.

          # 3: Humor is Your Best Friend

          Maybe you're still feeling each other out and you're trying to get a handle on how to connect to this hunk of a guy.  But the awkward flow of your conversation is creating a major interference in your connection so you're having a hard time 'broadcasting' your signal.

          Fear not, friend!  The quickest way to clear up all that 'static' is by creating a private joke which you can share with him.  When you both have some knee-slapping ground to start on, this accelerates the rapport-building process.

          My long-time friend Marcus has a great story to illustrate my point.  He says:

          "One of my first jobs was a freelance product writer for all sorts of health merchandise.  During one assignment I was talking with this guy who was telling me about the benefits of a sports bracelet that supposedly reduces muscular fatigue.  I had to put on the bracelet and pretended how less tense my arm felt as I was stretching it. Monique, his pretty sales assistant, was visibly chuckling at how funny I looked during the product demo (though she tried her best to hide it)."

          Marcus was then able to use this funny incident as an inside joke when he started chatting up Monqiue.  To her delight, he referred to the silly arm-stretching debacle several times during their conversation.

          To his benefit, Monique was game enough to tease him about it when they eventually started dating.  The moral of the story here is that when used properly, humor serves as a great bridge between two people.

          Heck, any doctor knows about the therapeutic effect of laughter.  One way to bring on the charm is to put your man on a natural high by cracking a joke or making a witty comment! 

          Making people laugh will make people (cute guys included) want to be around you to get a dose of your feel-good charisma.

          Of course, there's a big difference between laughing at a joke and MAKING one.  However, appearing to be effortless at humor isn't as hard as you might think.

          Don't assume you need to transform yourself into a standup comic at the drop of a hat.

          Generally, a good punch line is the result of properly setting up the joke beforehand.  If you need to explain the punch line after delivering it, it means you didn't build enough suspense first.

          (Think about how some characters on TV bumble a perfectly good joke by explaining too much and adding a "get it, get it?" at the end.)

          A good way to build up a joke is by keeping a relatively straight face and suppressing any snickers before dropping the punch line on him.  Otherwise there won't be any escalation. 

          That's what comedic timing is all about: buttering up the audience and then BAM, you get the drop on them with a well-placed punch line!

          Notice how comedians like Conan O'Brien or Tina Fey churn out the funnies.  They like to talk about a mundane news item (the set-up) and then making a zany comment about it (the payoff).

          As an aside, avoid making any pop culture references that might alienate or confuse the person you're talking to.  It's good to be mindful of the particular person in front of you so he can better relate to your "material".

          However, don't worry about making leaps and bounds in this particular area of conversation.  Try adapting these habits of humor little by little into your speech. 

          Once you hit your stride and finally struck a guy's funny bone, you'll notice how easier it is to keep him laughing with a follow-up joke!

          One last way to be funny without overdoing it is by doing the "pretend seriousness" routine.  A little lighthearted irony goes a long way with certain folks!

          Let's pretend that your friend introduced you to this incredibly cute guy who happens to be just into music as you are.  So halfway through the conversation he confesses to not having heard about a certain band you absolutely adore.

          Take advantage of this opportunity by *playfully* retorting, "Tell me you're kidding.  Otherwise, I'm gonna have to drag you to my place and make you listen to my (name of band) records until you see the light.  Seriously!"

          Admittedly, this approach might not work on everyone, but if he seems like the guy who's game enough to go along with the fun, then give it a shot!

          #4: Converse With an OPEN Ear

          Some women might think that listening is just a simple matter of hearing what the other person is telling them.  Truth is, this basic skill we've been taught to use over the years is often taken for granted.

          Sometimes, we find ourselves zoning out a bit (refer to tip # 2) when we should be PAY ATTENTION in the full sense of the verb.  A typical mistake is to listen on a superficial level and merely use the time the guy is talking to think of something to say.

          This might sound like common sense, but I have this to share: you'd have a better chance of saying something worthwhile if you truly listened to what the other person just said.

          I've told countless friends and colleagues that your genuine attention is a very powerful tool for conversational success!  Really listening to his jokes and stories is a simple but effective way to make him feel good about himself.

          And what red-blooded man wouldn't want to be around a sassy girl that he can associate his GOOD FEELINGS with?

          The gift of showing real interest is the direct path to greater rapport in ANY sort of conversation you're in.  Although our general interest here is to attract men through a good chat, we also have to consider the big picture here.

          An attractive woman is someone who can have a great conversation with just about anybody.  When you have a POSITIVE attitude towards the rest of humankind, it's an indication of how you'd be on a date.

          ...or as a girlfriend.

          If you're there to talk with ANYONE purely for the pleasure of their company... and NOT because you want their approval... then that sincerity will naturally show. 

          People (hunks included) just tend you like more when you want to hang out with them with NO strings attached. 

          So what I'm saying here is that you shouldn't just limit your awesome conversational skills to men alone.  Find an opportunity to flex your social muscles and chat up a storm with the next person you run into!

          It doesn't matter if it's the nice old lady at the library, the friendly cashier at your favorite coffee place, or your fellow students at yoga class.  Every person out there offers a chance for you to become a more sociable person.

          Trust me, this mindset is the sure-fire path to becoming drop-dead gorgeous in the long run!  What have you got to lose after all? 

          And part of developing the right mindset is by expanding your knowledge and beliefs about dating, courtesy of Meet Your Sweet's "Get a Great Guy Guide."

          When you think about it, the cost of failure is pretty much ZERO, so get out there and work it!

          This article comes to you courtesy of

          If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's "Get a Great Guy Guide."

          If you want genuine men, and not just any man, let Mirabelle Summers and the team challenge your beliefs about love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story.

          Click here to Get a Great Guy Guide.

          No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real women!

          Getting back together with an ex can be a long and lengthy process but getting back isn't that hard if you take professional advice of the relationship expert. Find out all about; how to get your ex back?